World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Caverns of Infusion Open – Roadmap

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By Gaming News
5 January 2023 no comments

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Caverns of Infusion are open as part of their current roadmap.

By Daniel Burrows Daniel

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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight: Caverns of Infusion Open    

Key Facts

  • Blizzard have released the latest raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.
  • The Caverns of Infusion makes Kurog Grimtotem, Sennarth the Cold Breath, and Terros available.
  • World of Warcraft: Dragonflight increases the level cap and adds the Dracthy hero class to WoW.



Blizzard has rolled out Raid Finder Wing 2 as part of the Vault of the Incarnates raid in Dragonflight.

  World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Key  

The new raid means new challenges and achievements and makes Kurog Grimtotem, Sennarth the Cold Breath, and Terros available.

Kurog Grimtotem

Kurog is a master of the primal elements and plans to unleash his creations of storm, fire, ice, and earth upon Azeroth.

Sennarth the Cold Breath

Sennarth is a creation of Kurog Grimtotem, and she guards her brood until the day they hatch and destroy Azeroth with a veil of winter.


Terros is a hulking terror trying to free himself from a ritual that caused him to be trapped between two worlds. If freed, the devastation he will cause will change Azeroth forever.

Vault of the Incarnates Raid Schedule:

  • Week of December 12: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties.
  • Week of December 19: Raid Finder Wing 1: The Primal Bulwark (Eranog, Dathea Ascended, The Primal Council).
  • Week of January 2: Raid Finder Wing 2: Caverns of Infusion (Kurog Grimtotem, Sennareth the Cold Breath, Terros).
  • Week of January 16: Raid Finder Wing 3: Fury of the storm (Broodkeeper Diurna, Raszageth The Storm-Eater).

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight increases the level cap to 70 and introduces a new playable hero class, the Dracthyr, to World of Warcraft.

You can read more about Dragonflight and its editions on Allkeyshop.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Which Edition to Choose?




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