Which Gaming Subscription to Choose

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By Gaming News
27 May 2021 no comments

If you want more games for a fraction of the price, then a gaming subscription or membership to a game pass may be perfect for you.

But, with so many to choose from, which is the best service for you? Let’s go through them and find out.

By Daniel

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The Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s subscription service for PC, console, and mobile players.


Xbox Game Pass


Subscribers have access to more than 100 high-quality video games, including triple-A titles.

It will soon feature Microsoft’s Project xCloud service, a cloud-based gaming service that allows users to play games on their smartphones and tablets. You can read about that HERE!

The Xbox Game Pass comes in three versions, with the best value in the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

Xbox Game Pass Subscriptions


Find the best Xbox Game Pass Ultimate deals on Allkeyshop.




Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscribers gain exclusive deals, 100 GB of cloud storage, and bonus content.


PlayStation Plus


PlayStation Plus members can play games across multiple PS consoles, including PS3, PS Vita, and PS4.

Subscribers also get access to free games every month, and they remain available for as long as the subscription continues.

PlayStation Plus is a must-have for any PlayStation owner.

Related Article: Free PC and Console Games 2021 | May


Choose Your Membership



  • Online multiplayer
  • Member exclusive discounts
  • Online game saves
  • Game trials

For all the best PlayStation Plus deals, games, and news, make sure to bookmark Allkeyshop.




Nintendo Switch Online is Nintendo’s subscription service that is required to play the Nintendo Switch online.

Nintendo Switch Online

Subscribers to Nintendo Switch Online can play popular games, like Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and Pokemon Sword and Shield online.

Members can also benefit from cloud saves and exclusive offers.

One of the best benefits is the access to NES and Super NES titles offered as part of the subscription, and the list of classic games is continually growing.



  • Access to Nintendo’s online services and multiplayer
  • Subscriber exclusive deals
  • NES and SNES games
  • Save data cloud

Allkeyshop has the lowest prices available for Nintendo Switch Online subscriptions.




When it comes to publisher-based subscriptions, they don’t come bigger than Electronic Arts and EA Play.

  EA Play Subscription

EA Play rewards members with 10% discounts on all EA games, including season passes, points packs, and DLC.

Members can also play selected new releases before launch for up to 10 hours of playtime. Saved progress does carry over to the full game.

The premium subscription service, EA Play Pro, also contains unlimited access to EA titles, including deluxe editions and pro-level in-game benefits.

EA Play is available on Xbox Game Pass, Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation, and Origin.

What is EA Play


  • Exclusive rewards and content
  • 10 hour trials of selected EA releases
  • 10% discount on EA titles and DLC

You can find great discounts on EA Play subscriptions with us at Allkeyshop.




When it comes to picking a subscription, it mostly comes down to which console you have.

Each console provides a subscription service that offers exclusive rewards, games, and content.

EA Play is available across multiple platforms now, offering EA games to many more players at discounted prices.

If I had to pick one to recommend, though, it would have to be the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. 

Everything is right. The price, games, rewards, and it has EA Play included. It’s a fantastic deal, and whether you’re on Xbox or PC, it’s an incredible way to play your favorite games


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