Newsletter Reward: 50€ of gift cards to win!


Get ready to win big with our exciting weekly giveaway! Answer the thrilling questions you’ll find in our weekly Newsletter, and you could be one of the lucky winners for the first 4 to answer.

  1. prize: 20€ gift card
  2. prize: 10€ gift card
  3. prize: 10€ gift card
  4. prize: 10€ gift card

Be quick, because the first 4 people to find the answer will claim the coveted prizes!

  • Find the solution to each question you will find in our newsletter
  • Summarize them to find the hidden word
  • Enter your solution on the form below

You can answer as follows:

  • 1 letter in upper case and the rest of the words in lower case
  • The whole word/answer in lowercase
  • The whole word/answer in uppercase

Even if you miss out, don’t fret! You’ll still earn valuable Allkeyshop points to spend in our upcoming Wheel of Fortune special event. Get ready for an unforgettable gaming experience!


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limitation to 5 tries every 24h

Comments (66)

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zipakna 27 days ago

I subscribed like 5 times already but the only time I received a newsletter was on December 6th, so definitely not weekly. I even checked my spam folder, the newsletter just does not get to me.

Hakura 27 days ago

Hello Zipakna, I have look into our system and we did sent you the newsletters since you subscribed. I see them also opened on your side (for most of them but not all of them). I invite you to reach us at if you still encounter issues. Kind regards, Hakura Allkeyshop team

dolsey1 3 months ago

"What game is behind these letters: lamer vs viral?" - has to be Marvel Rivals.

Hakura 3 months ago

Hello Dolsey1, Yes, this was the answer for the last tips of past week newsletter (final letter to can then look to find the game). Kind regards, Hakura Allkeyshop team

MrProRock 5 months ago

Pribrm - I can't even imagine what the name of the game is encrypted here, and it's only the first quest item. Anyway, good luck to the few people trying to participate, it's just a nightmare.

Ark 4 months ago

What you see here is the final solution, not any quest item. Quests come in the newsletter and the final one is posted on discord, random day/time. The final quest for october 2nd puzzle was never posted as the solution was posted before it here, hence the 0 winners. So it may a be a bit harder to figure it out wat it was, that solution is Max Cauldfield alfabetically...

Davide Munari 5 months ago

How can the 13th September answer be of 4 letters when there are 5 quests for that day?

Hakura 5 months ago

Hello Davide, The 5 tips on the newsletter is the first part of the enigma, then you need to final tip on Discord to can answer. Kind regards, Hakura Allkeyshop Team

Carlos 7 months ago

I subscribed time ago but never received a newsletter... (Neither in spam) When I try to subscribe again it says that I'm already subscribed.

Hakura 7 months ago

Hello, Please reach us at and let them know your email, so they can verify if the newsletter is properly send to you. Keep in mind that once you register, you will receive the newsletter only on the next Friday. Kind regards, Hakura Allkeyshop team

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