Pixel Sundays: The World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Celebration Begins

20 October 2024 at 15:30 in Gaming News with no comments

World of Warcraft is almost 20 years old! This legendary and popular game has been part of the gaming world for so long, and the big anniversary celebration is just around the corner. Get all the info about 20 years of World of Warcraft, the launch, and the current anniversary here.


World of Warcraft

The 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft isn’t just a nostalgic moment. It’s a celebration of 20 years of development, improvements, and an awesome fanbase. Thousands of players are celebrating how WoW has constantly evolved and become what it is today.

The Origins of World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (WoW) first started on September 3, 2001, when Blizzard, the studio behind WoW, officially announced the game at the European Computer Trade Show. The game had a development and testing phase of 4-5 years, which was considered long at the time. WoW was officially released on November 23, 2004, and in Europe on February 11, 2005.

World of Warcraft

The goal of World of Warcraft was to create a fantasy MMORPG that could connect millions of players worldwide. Looking back, it’s safe to say it was a massive success. The game brought many revolutionary features with it, like a vast open world filled with stories deeply rooted in the lore of Blizzard’s Warcraft games.

Blizzard built on the success of their previous games, like Warcraft III, and expanded the universe by introducing rival factions: the Alliance and the Horde. These factions are made up of different races, each with their own cultural and historical backgrounds. The Horde includes Orcs, Trolls, and the Undead, while the Alliance consists of Humans, Night Elves, and Draenei. These factions also play a big role in PvP (Player vs Player) battles, where players fight against members of the other faction.

World of Warcraft

Of course, in World of Warcraft, it wasn’t just about fighting other players. You could take on loads of missions in the huge world. Some of these missions were only available to certain factions. Plus, there were tons of raids and dungeons where players teamed up to fight in-game enemies rather than other players.

From the start, the vast world of WoW attracted millions of players and set new standards for online gaming. To play World of Warcraft, players needed (and still need) to subscribe, which means there’s a monthly fee.

DLCs and Expansions Over the Years

Over the past 20 years, loads of new content has been added to the game. Besides regular updates, there have been 10 DLCs in total, each adding new mechanics, areas, races, stories, and more. The first DLC was The Burning Crusade (2007), which opened a portal to the shattered planet Outland. This DLC introduced two new races: Blood Elves (Horde) and Draenei (Alliance), along with the new Outland zone, raising the level cap to 70. Of course, new dungeons and raids came with the new area.

World of Warcraft

In 2008, the DLC Wrath of the Lich King was released, which introduced the new area of Northrend, where players had to defeat the legendary Lich King, Arthas. The DLC also added the new hero class, Death Knight, and raised the level cap to 80. The level cap increase allows players to continue improving their characters and unlocking new abilities that come with the DLC.

Next came Cataclysm in 2010. Instead of a new area, the entire world of Azeroth was ravaged by the dragon Deathwing, reshaping many zones. Two new races, Goblins (Horde) and Worgen (Alliance), were introduced, and as expected, the level cap was raised to 85.

World of Warcraft

In 2012, the DLC Mists of Pandaria was released, adding the mystical land of Pandaria. The Pandaren, a neutral race, lived there, and players could choose which faction to join. The new class introduced was the Monk, and the level cap was increased to 90.

After ten years of WoW, in 2014, the 5th DLC, Warlords of Draenor, was released. This expansion took players to Draenor, the original home of the Orcs before it became Outland. It introduced Garrison building, allowing players to build their fortress, and as expected, the level cap was raised to 95. Yes, I know, the level increases are getting a bit repetitive, but we’re halfway through!

Now we’re in 2016, and the Legion DLC was released. This brought back an old threat, the Burning Legion, to Azeroth. The new class introduced was the Demon Hunter, and players could unlock and upgrade new Artifact weapons. The level cap was raised to 110.

Two years later, in 2018, the DLC Battle of Azeroth was released. This expansion refocused on the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance, adding new races like Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tirans. Once again, the level cap was raised to 120.

In 2020, the Shadowlands DLC arrived, taking players to the afterlife—the Shadowlands—where the souls of the deceased reside. A new area and Covenant feature were introduced. Blizzard realized the levels were getting too high, so they added a level squish feature, scaling everyone down. The max level was set at 60.

Then in 2022, the Dragonflight DLC was released. It introduced the new Dracthyr class, which players could play as, and added the Dragon Isles area. The level cap was increased to 70.

And last but not least, let’s talk about the newest expansion, The War Within DLC, which just came out in 2024. This DLC introduces the new Earthen race and a new zone called Khaz Algar, an underground world beneath Azeroth. The big new feature is Delves, small dungeons you can tackle solo or with up to 4 people. There are also new hero talents and improved flying mechanics.

The Evolution of Game Mechanics Over the Years

In 20 years of World of Warcraft, new mechanics have been added, and old ones have been developed and improved. Thanks to that, WoW has managed to keep players engaged even after two decades.

Let’s start by talking about factions and especially PvP. The war between the Horde and Alliance has always been a core game mechanic. Huge battles between faction members were a major PvP highlight. Over time, this was improved with battlegrounds like Alterac Valley. Later, PvP arenas and other modes were introduced, making the game more appealing to competitive players.

World of Warcraft

In WoW, you can take up professions like blacksmithing, enchanting, alchemy, and more. Over time, more specialized items and recipes were added, especially for the endgame. This became particularly noticeable with the introduction of legendary items.

Raids in WoW have also evolved. At the game’s launch, raids like “Molten Core” and “Blackwing Lair” were the norm. Later, difficulty levels (Normal, Heroic, and Mythic) were introduced. A Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder were added to help players join groups more easily since raids can’t be completed solo.

Some changes also came to quests and missions in WoW over time. One of the biggest changes came with the Warlords of Draenor DLC, which introduced NPC missions that rewarded you while you were offline. This system was improved in later expansions with the Order Hall and World Quests, giving players daily missions in different zones, mostly focused on endgame content.

World of Warcraft

One of the most important features for players was introduced with the first DLC: flying. This allowed quick travel across the vast world. With Dragonflight, dragon riding was introduced, making flying even more dynamic, with acrobatic maneuvers. The newest DLC, The War Within, added Skyriding, further enhancing existing mounts.

World of Warcraft Evolution: Graphics Over the Years

Blizzard has constantly worked to keep WoW’s graphics up to modern standards. This has been important to attract new players who aren’t used to older graphics.

When WoW launched in 2004, it had a stylized, comic-like graphics style that made it stand out from other MMORPGs. The system requirements were low back then, making the game accessible to almost anyone with a PC.

World of Warcraft

The graphics got a refresh with the first DLC, The Burning Crusade, which introduced new spell effects and environmental lighting. The new zones, like Outland, were also much more detailed than the original world.

With Wrath of the Lich King, dynamic shadows were added, giving characters and environments more depth, making the game feel more immersive. NPC models were also updated and refreshed.

World of Warcraft

In 2010, with the Cataclysm DLC, almost the entire world got a makeover. Nearly all the old zones received an overhaul, making them more modern and visually appealing. Textures were improved, landscapes were made more detailed, and water animations were updated to be more realistic. These updates, 6 years in, took the game to a new visual level.

In 2014, with Warlords of Draenor, highly detailed character models were introduced for all playable races, meeting modern standards. These new models had better animations, more detailed faces and clothing, and improved movement.

With the Legion DLC, more environmental details, like vegetation and landscapes, were added and improved. New technology made it possible to add ambient lighting effects, making the game feel more realistic. Dynamic light sources and better texture resolutions were also added.

World of Warcraft

With Battle for Azeroth, DirectX 12 support was added, improving performance on modern hardware. Later, with Shadowlands, Ray Tracing was introduced, allowing real-time lighting and shadow calculations.

20 Years of Community and Epic Moments

Games thrive on their communities, and WoW has one of the biggest and most dedicated communities in gaming. It all started with in-game guilds. Besides the two main factions, there are smaller guilds where people raid together or explore the huge world. Thousands of these guilds have formed over time, leading to real-life friendships. Some players even met in WoW, got married in the game, and then married in real life—all because they met in WoW. It’s those little, unexpected moments that can change everything and shape your whole life.

World of Warcraft

Other big moments happen when new updates drop, and everyone competes for the “World First” Kill of a new boss. These moments are followed live, and the community loves them. For the guilds involved, it’s a huge coordination effort.

WoW has also left a permanent mark on meme culture. There are thousands of funny clips, some more famous than others. One of the most iconic is probably Leeroy Jenkins. In this clip, a guild was planning their strategy before entering a dungeon, but Leeroy got impatient, ran in yelling his own name as a battle cry, and became a legend. That phrase has been used ever since, becoming part of gaming history.

Unfortunately, not all WoW moments were happy. One of the most emotional moments was the in-game memorial for Ezra Chatterton, who passed away from a brain tumor. Born in 1996, he played WoW with his dad. When he was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2007, the Make-a-Wish Foundation arranged for him to visit Blizzard Entertainment’s office and create his own character for the game. He created Farmer Ahab Wheathoof, who is looking for his dog. There’s a quest in the game for this, and Ezra even voiced the character. He also received the [Ashes of Al’ar] mount, a phoenix, which was his symbol (his in-game name was Ephoenix). Blizzard also dedicated an item to him: Merciless Gladiator’s Crossbow of the Phoenix.

World of Warcraft

Back in 2005, there was this event in World of Warcraft called the Corrupted Blood Incident. It all started with a virus from a boss fight that accidentally spread into cities. This caused a virtual pandemic, leading to thousands of players dying in the game. Later on, researchers used this event as a model to study real-world pandemics.

Why BlizzCon is so Important to the WoW Community

The BlizzCon is an annual event by Blizzard where they make big announcements, and you can get sneak peeks at future games. Thousands of players gather there, and some guilds even use it as a chance to meet up in real life. BlizzCon isn’t just a convention—it’s a place where the virtual and real worlds come together, letting players meet face-to-face.

At BlizzCon, they also announce the latest DLCs and events for World of Warcraft, so every player is excited to find out what’s new. This is where you get all the juicy details about new classes, races, raids, and more.

World of Warcraft

BlizzCon attendees, both in person and online, can score exclusive in-game rewards. A classic example is the Murloc pet from the early years of BlizzCon or special mounts that are hard to come by. This makes BlizzCon a huge deal for World of Warcraft players.

You also get a chance to chat directly with the developers at this event. You can ask questions and give direct feedback. Sometimes you even get the “why” behind certain game design choices, which is something we often miss out on.

World of Warcraft

For the competitive World of Warcraft scene, BlizzCon is also a big deal. Events like the Arena World Championship and the Mythic Dungeon International take place here, bringing together the best players in the world to compete.

BlizzCon is central to the World of Warcraft community because it’s a unique blend of news, interactivity, competition, and a sense of togetherness. It strengthens the bond between developers and players and provides a space for the community to celebrate not just WoW, but their shared experiences.

Special In-Game Events for the 20th Anniversary

The World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary event kicks off on October 22 and runs until January 6, 2025. If you take part in the celebrations, you can earn Bronze Celebration Tokens. You can trade these for exclusive rewards, like revamped Tier-2 armor sets for all classes, including newer ones like Monks or Evokers. These sets are modern versions of the classic armor.

During the event, you can also dive into Timewalking Dungeons. These let you run through old-school dungeons like Deadmines, Zul’Farrak, Dire Maul, and Stratholme with updated loot, giving that nostalgic feel a modern twist.

The event will also bring back classic world bosses like Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and the Nightmare Dragons. Even newer bosses like Sha of Anger will return. You just need to be at least level 15 to participate, and you’ll get special rewards.

World of Warcraft

In the expanded event area in the Caverns of Time, there are loads of mini-games and competitions, like transmog contests and mount shows. You can take photos, join storytelling events, or show off your mounts. There’s even a roller rink and balloon rides!

During the event, you can grab more exclusive rewards, like the Coldflame Tempest mount, pets like Lil’Kaz and Lil’Doomy, and nostalgic items like the Molten Corgi or the Core Hound Mount.

The Legacy of World of Warcraft

The legacy of World of Warcraft is pretty huge. Since its launch in 2004, World of Warcraft has shaped and revolutionized the MMORPG genre, cementing itself as one of the most influential games of all time.

World of Warcraft

The biggest legacy for the gaming world is probably how WoW revolutionized the MMORPG genre. Many games have followed its lead, adopting similar settings or features. Plus, World of Warcraft found a way to keep things simple enough that even casual players could jump in without too much trouble.

But a huge part of its legacy is also the community. A community that has stuck with the game for years, forming guilds, friendships, and more. It’s the community that keeps a game alive. Without other players, an MMORPG wouldn’t be the same. Over the past 20 years, players have faced many challenges together, and there’s hopefully more to come in the future.

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft has also broken through into pop culture. It’s been referenced in movies, books, and TV shows. One of the most famous examples is the South Park episode “Make Love, Not Warcraft,” where Eric and the gang grind in WoW. In 2016, the Warcraft movie brought the franchise to an even wider audience.

World of Warcraft is also super important for Blizzard. Thanks to its large player base and subscription model, Blizzard has a steady income to keep developing WoW and other projects.

World of Warcraft

One thing World of Warcraft has achieved is keeping its player base strong after all these years. That’s only possible because Blizzard keeps pumping out fresh content, making sure the game stays interesting for long-time players. And it looks like they’ll keep doing that for a long time. Hopefully, Blizzard will keep feeding the game with new content, ensuring that World of Warcraft remains a big part of the gaming world.

Summary and Outlook

World of Warcraft set new standards for MMORPGs, and it’s far from over. It’ll keep going—the newest DLC, The War Within, just dropped, and it probably won’t be the last one. So, get ready for more years of World of Warcraft. Experience epic adventures with your guild and friends.

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By Kilian Kilian

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